I am obsessed with find unusual ways to organize materials in my classroom. Everyone has their own way of putting stuff away into its "home." Yeah....teachers are the worst for being "certified packrats" as my husband would say. Anyhow.....I find pizza boxes useful. I use them to sort my Thematic Units with books related to the topic and original copies of activities and crafts.
Several years ago I purchased 50 12X12 boxes at a wholesale grocery store for $12. It was a great spend. I used them to give during Parent-Teacher Interviews for storing student portfolios. Then I encouraged them to use it as a "reading box" to keep little levelled readers I send home. I use Fountas & Pinnell and also books from www.readinga-z.com for my Guided Reading sessions.
Phonics Writing Centers
A well-structured writing center can be a game-changer for young learners,
helping them bridge the gap between reading and writing. When designed with
a ...
2 days ago
Melissa- What a great idea for the pizza boxes! That's super unusual but genius at the same time- file cabinets can get pretty stuffed.
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I totally recommend a Thirty-One bag. It is so sturdy and easily organized. It's perfect!
-Mrs. Thompson
Adventures in Teaching
Thank you for your support too and stopping by my blog! Where can I get a Thirty-One bag? I will try E-bay. They look great!
This is such a great idea!
I am your newest follower! I would love for you to visit me when you get the chance! I have TONS of *freebies*! =)
Heather's Heart
HI! I just found your blog. I love it! When you have a chance stop by my blog. I am your newest follower.
I love this idea! I have my units in laminated manila folders and for some of them, it is just not enough room! I am definitely going to try this!
I am your newest follower! I would love for you to stop by my blog!
Thanks for sharing!
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