One of my most favorite thing to do is sew. I love being able to make anything. When I was a teenager I tried to do some sewing....mostly sewing my pants skinnier! My mom would be furious with me because I'd sew like a mad woman and end up breaking the needles and getting the thread all knotted up.
Well, fortunately I learned how to sew on my own after I got married. I purchased my first sewing machine on sale at Sears. I was so proud to have my own machine.........and no one to tell me how to use it!!! From there I would find any cheap material I got my hands on and made things. I did everything from simple skirts to curtains. I just loved making something. It felt so good to create something.
Over the years, I have greatly improved. I am not good at following a pattern, but I can look at something and make a replica of it. Don't know where I got that from.....just think it's the stubborness inside me that gets me going.Anyhow, one of the most challenging things for me was to make a starblanket quilt.
I went to South Dakota back in 1993 and witnessed an elderly lady make about 8 of these quilt in a matter of hours! I was inspired to go home and make my own. I did that and gave my first piece to my nephew for his first birthday. Since then, I have cut out and started several of them........but sad to say, they just collected dust.
Well, a few months ago I was inspired again to make another attempt. I did it as a request from my god-daughter. Here it was a challenge! But I finished it and have started two more. I also made a baby quilt......but stupid me forgot to take a picture of it before giving it away as Christmas gift!
I am happy to share my knowledge of making them. They are considered prized possessions of the Lakota people and I honor all the teachings that go along with them. I am proud to have learned how to make them and hope that I will get better on each one I make.
Phonics Writing Centers
A well-structured writing center can be a game-changer for young learners,
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a ...
2 days ago
it is amazing and best.
ways to utilise project based learning
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